Accreditation Agencies

Accreditation serves as a hallmark of quality in school education. In the United States, the school education system includes a network of nearly 120,000 public and private K-12 schools, serving more than 50 million students in 2024. The schools are funded and regulated by various public and private bodies, as per the policies and guidelines.

Although public schools are funded and regulated by the federal, state, and local bodies, private schools are generally exempted from most educational regulations at the Federal level, highly regulated in the states.

Nevertheless, to access public funding and recognition schools need to obtain and maintain the accreditation status from an independent and recognized school accrediting body. Before accepting their claims, these organizations verify the school’s educational and operational quality standards against the global benchmarks.

Let’s check out some of the top recognized KG-12 school accrediting agencies in the United States.

Showing 17-18 of 18 results

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