Many parents lookout for a customizable schooling option such as a homeschooling program or an online schooling solution. But despite an array of options around, it is not that easy to pick the choice that can suit your child perfectly. There can be some make-belief promises or REALITIES THAT ARE TOO GOOD TO BE TRUE.
If you are planning to choose a homeschooling curriculum, this information is ALL YOU NEED!
Here’s how you can choose a good homeschooling program!
1. Research the available options extensively
You obviously know what your ideal homeschooling program should look like. But while researching for options, it’s better to check out all the available options even if they seem inappropriate at the first glance. Even the most inappropriate option will give you insights into the latest trends in the industry. So make sure you are open to gaining knowledge to make a better decision.
There are some good online schools that offer homeschooling programs. And most of these have elaborate details on the website itself. Gather information about these schools. And see how the offerings can suffice the purpose for your family, considering the child, your spouse, financial condition and other liabilities, etc.
A perfect homeschooling program must address your child’s unique learning needs. So set the focus on the child and see what all can work for him/her. It is also a good idea to keep a checklist handy and create a comparative analysis of the options. Broad headers like affordability, subject options, online classes (if any) and teacher quality, etc. can further simplify this task for you. Make sure you shortlist platforms that offer such programs after rigorous research to finalize the best one. And most importantly, take your time to do this research!
2. Double-check the handholding offered
The need for handholding largely depends on the age group and academic base of the child. Your choice for a good schooling program must suit the child’s age and your family’s designs. For instance, independent learning might sound like a good feature for development. But it does not work for students in certain younger age groups.
Despite selecting a home-based learning program for younger kids, you will still need extra handholding. See to it that the program offers help in this regard; else you might feel burdened to keep it going. Remember that not everyone is trained in teaching a child at home. And a poorly planned homeschooling endeavor is always likely to fall flat even despite good efforts.
Keep your approach as realistic as you can. Because your job requirements, business commitments, household chores have least or no scope for adjustment most of the time. Choose a program that guarantees enough handholding without much of your intervention. And make sure you discuss any exceptional requirements/scenarios well in advance if you have any.
3. It must go well with your child
A good homeschooling program is not just enjoyable for the child but should also instill a zeal for learning in him/her. Check the offerings of the platform keeping your child’s temperament, learning style and interest, etc. Do consider the overall academic load on your child. And check for the feasibility of tracking the performance through the mechanisms offered by the platform.
A good homeschool/online school program has a mix of online resources at its learning platform. And these are carefully collated to help all types of learners thrive in an online learning environment.
You must explore such features before you give the final nod to the homeschooling program. Do not forget to check the extra-curricular options over and above the regular academics.
4. Do not ignore the financial aspects
A good homeschooling program is impossible without fitting in your family finances. It must be affordable and free from any hidden or extra cost factors. So make sure this point is well-clarified before you enroll your child in the desired program.
Many families fail to gauge the financial impact of a chosen course or program. But in the end, they rant about it.
If you choose an online homeschooling platform, you can opt for partial or full-fee payments as per the platform. So do check this feasibility in case you find it difficult to bear the cost in one go. Evaluate the end cost that will run down to your family. And choose the program that does not disturb your saving plans. Be vocal and inquire about the additional, miscellaneous, hidden charges whatsoever. Because in the end all this is bound to hit your pocket, and you must check this impact keeping in mind the practicality of the program in the long run.
5. USPs and resources
A good homeschooling program can simplify the entire task for you. Check out the USPs of the program and see if these can help you in enriching the child’s learning. Many good platforms now offer programs with additional/supplementary resources. Do check out these during your discussion with the instructors of the institution. And feel free to ask questions related to its advantages for your child. For example, online schools add elements of gamification. These help in student engagement and at the same time support in developing conceptual understanding. Resources that match your child’s learning style can make all the difference. So choose the right program and ensure that this support adds variations to your child’s overall learning.
Just to add in here, reviews are also a good support to know about the USPs and resources of a particular platform. So you can go through these as well and validate the facts yourself too.
Final thoughts:
In the present times, homeschooling a child does not demand too much parental assistance. It can be planned through virtual platforms, and that too with some great offerings.
Making a smart choice is now easier than ever!
Evaluate the pros and cons of the shortlisted programs and narrow your decision of choosing the best of them all!